Please find details below of a fantastic opportunity to represent our golf club in a very well run tournament played over 4 great courses, including our own, with your entry fees refunded by the club.
This tournament is also a great chance to test and hone your golf skills, experience some challenging courses and if all goes well pick up a prize or two.
The 2018 JNJG season is only 4 weeks away with our first tournament of the new year just around the corner and I would like to make you aware of a new initiative that JNJG has launched for the coming season commencing with the Harvey Norman Week of Golf , where Muirfield will again host the final round of play.
For the very first time in the 30 years of Jack Newton Junior Golf running tournaments for juniors in NSW, the 12 Years and Under Age Group will not be the youngest Age Division at a JNJG event!! As a result of more and more juniors getting introduced to the game at a younger and younger age, Jack Newton Junior Golf will be adding an 11 Years Division, as well as a 10 Years and Under Division, to the majority of events.
The first event which will see this new age division launched is the Sydney Harvey Norman Week of Golf, with players competing over four consecutive days on four different courses in Sydney’s North West. Lynwood, Stonecutters Ridge, North Ryde and Muirfield will each host a day this year with more than 150 players expected to take part.
Whilst that is exciting and will hopefully breed a new group of junior golfers across our state, the Sydney Harvey Norman Week of Golf will also see a new Club Competition concept launched, with all clubs encouraged to enter as many players as possible from their club to form a team to take out the Harvey Norman Interclub Challenge. A minimum of four players from one club is needed to be eligible for the teams event, whilst there is no maximum number of players.
To put it simply, the more players from one club that play in the tournament, the more chance your club has of winning!
– The Team Event will be run over all four days.
– Each day, the best four nett scores will be added together to get a team total.
– If there are 4 players from one club playing in the event, all 4 scores will count.
– If there are 15 players from one club playing in the event, we’ll take the best 4 scores out of those 15 players.
– At the end of the week, the scores from all four days will be added together to form the final team total.
And now the exciting bit for the clubs………All players from the winning team will be given a prize at presentation on Friday, whilst the winning club will receive a $500 donation from JNJG to go towards the club’s junior program. If the winning club was also involved in either the Encourage Shield or Junior Pennant competition, which Muirfield was, the club will receive an additional $500, making it $1000 in total.
You can see all the tournament information and get entry forms for the event at this link –
I hope to see every junior and cadet from our club with a GA handicap taking part , and I hope we are the lucky winner of the $1000 JNJG donation!
Remember – the more player from our club taking part the better chance we have!
As an added incentive, Muirfield GC will refund the entry fee ($100.00) of all participating cadet & junior members who nominate as representing Muirfield GC and play in all 4 rounds of the competition.
Kind Regards,
Rick Frankcombe
Muirfield GC