Junior ProAm – Lyle Keith was given the chance to participate in the NSW pro am on Wednesday 9th November at Stonecutters Ridge. Lyle was paired with 2 other juniors from Bankstown and Royal Canberra as well as the team professional, who was 20 year old Lucas Herbert from Victoria. Lucas has only just joined the pro ranks having reached world number 3 as an amateur representing Australia on many occasions.Lyle soaked in the occasion playing very well and really enjoyed his time there representing Muirfield Golf club, mingling with all the professional golfers.After the day Lyle actually has continued speaking to Lucas and in fact Lucas very kindly gave Lyle, Harry and Luke tickets for the Australian open at Royal Sydney. Lyle wants to say many thanks to the club for considering him to participate in the event and hopes to represent Muirfield many more time in the future.