Members Information & Feedback Night a Success
The Board would like to thank everyone who attended the Members Information & Feedback Night on 6th September.  There were 50 members in attendance and the feedback to the Board was varied and positive. 
The President gave an overview of the Board’s main activities of the past year, including the new membership categories, and also where the club is heading with the development of a Strategic Plan.
The member’s feedback was documented on the night and the Board will be considering all the comments made.  The information from the members was for the Board to be innovative with their approach in the coming years and to ensure the longevity of the club. 
The Board are open to looking at all opportunities that were mentioned by the members, but are adamant about ensuring the club doesn’t compromise the course or lose the identity and tradition of Muirfield Golf Club in any way. 

Thank you to all those who attended.

Golf Course

The bit of rain over the past week has helped the course immensely and with a bit of heat as we run into Spring, we should see the grass coverage improving. 

The patching works that have been carried out in various parts of the course has been done with the Santa Ana Couch.  In the initial stages it may look a bit out of place, but there are numerous reasons for using this grass:

  1. It is more resilient to cold and hot temperatures – while the Kikuyu dies off in winter/shade, the Santa Ana holds its strength and is a playable surface with better coverage.
  2. Ground Pearl Bug – it has been proven to be a grass that the bug does not like. Numerous Clubs around Sydney have suffered from the bug and they are using Santa Ana as the replacement grass to help combat them.  The Kikuyu is susceptible to the bugs and they are the reason for the large round bare patches on the fairways and immediate rough.
  3. Cost – it is available at a lower cost than other turf varieties.
  4. It blends with the other grasses and as the seasons change, the “patchwork” appearance will soften and/or even disappear – we have seen this in the areas which were patched a year ago. The Santa Ana is predominantly only being used in the rough or on parts of the fairway which aren’t within 80m or so from the greens, to help with the appearance of the approaches and surrounds.
  5. It provides a grass surface for players to hit-off instead of bare or dirt patches.


Ball & Prize Accounts

The new accounts are up and running – view them on the website under the “My Information” tab. 

To redeem a ball, dollar amount or Super-pin amount, simply go to the Pro Shop and they will look up your account and redeem it in the same way as the old paper rundown sheets were dealt with.  You can also redeem the dollar winnings in the office and have them placed onto your clubhouse account for the bar.  The clubhouse bar account and the competition accounts are run off two different systems and that is why the bar can’t look up your prize account or redeem the dollars for you at their till.

Handicaps – Members must Register to view handicap
All members will now need to login to view their handicap history. To avoid confusion, it is important for members to know how to register with Golf Australia to view handicap information and history.  There is a link on the club website to help you register.

Muirfield Cup – 8th & 15th September
Congratulations to all the members who have qualified for the Muirfield Cup on the 8th & 15th September. After winning the past 4 years, the Wearne team Captain, Tony Kitto, is quietly confident on making short work of the Newton team again this year.  The Newton team however has a new mindset and are expecting a strong win – some have even suggested a “history making” score-line.   Good luck to both teams!  Shirt presentation on Friday 7th September at 6pm.


Junior Clinics

The Junior Clinic dates for September are Sunday 9th and Sunday 23rd for a 12.30 pm start, bookings via the Pro Shop.

Super Senior Pennants
The Super Senior Pennant are playing at Hurstville GC against Strathfield on Monday 10th Sept.  Good luck to our team for a strong win.

Monday 24th September – Change of Program for Sydney Vets Golf Day
The Sydney Veterans are holding an event at Muirfield on Monday 24th September.  This means that the normal Monday competition will be cancelled for this day.  The Vets will have a timesheet that runs from 8am-10am on both tees and any Muirfield Members who want to play on that day, please enter through the Sydney Vets, if eligible, otherwise social play for members will be on offer from after 12:30pm.  The volunteers will be providing a BBQ on the day for players to purchase food from.

Thank You!!


Every week we have members do and provide things around the club in their own time – whether it is on the golf course or in the clubhouse.  The Board and Management are very thankful to the countless volunteers that Muirfield has and they are a strong representation to the culture and kind-hearted spirit that exists in the club.  They never want anything in return, but it is important that they are recognised for the important job they do for the club.  Thank you everyone!