From the 1st July 2024, two changes will take place, with regards to the Club’s Insurance coverage.  Both are very important and it is imperative that Members understand the impact that it will have on their own situation, and where possible, take personal action.

  1. Charging of batteries for motorised buggies, will cease on Club property;
  2. Coverage of member’s golf equipment will cease, under the Clubs Personal Insurance Plan (PIP) insurance policy.
  1. Lithium-Ion Batteries
    Like so many other Clubs around Australia, the Club has decided that no Lithium-Ion batteries, used for self-propelled and motorised buggies, will be able to be charged on Club property.  Insurance coverage will cease from 1st July 2024, when our policy is renewed.  This is a direct result of the numerous fires that have occurred around Australia, in golf clubs and residential settings.

While our insurer is not facilitating this coverage, there is another who will, but at a cost that is extravagant and not acceptable to the Club.  Therefore, Members electric buggies can still be stored on-site, but batteries must be taken off Club property, to be charged.

  1. Members Golfing Equipment
    The Club has previously been able to insure Members sporting equipment under the Golfers Personal Insurance Plan (PIP). The Club has now been advised that from the 1st July 2024, when our insurance policy is renewed, this coverage will cease.

A change in regulations governing insurance in Australia has forced this change by the insurance companies, and it is not a decision being made by the Club.  Changing our insurer would not be effective, as the coverage is now no longer being offered.

The only solution, is for Members to contact their own domestic home & contents insurer, and discuss how they can provide coverage for their lost, stolen, or damaged golf equipment.

If there are any questions or concerns about either of the two items listed above, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours in Golf,

Cameron J Harvey
General Manager