Local Rules and Dress

Muirfield Golf Club is a friendly and relaxed club that understands dress sense and that standards vary according to each and every individual. The minimum dress standard is clean, neat and tidy at all times

As you would expect we like to see an appropriate standard of dress on the course and in the clubhouse. For example, for the men we suggest collared shirts with walk shorts and golf socks, or long trousers (not denim or track pants, please). The following outline provides an indicative understanding of the dress standard we consider desirable and acceptable.

On the Course


The minimum required dress standard is clean, neat and tidy at all times.

Tailored slacks, knee or 3/4 length tailored or cargo style shorts with a belt or braces. Collared shirts or polo with turtle neck. Note: Waist length shirts may be worn outside slacks or shorts providing they have been tailored to do so.
Visable, white/black or fashion golf socks.
Fully enclosed soft spiked golf shoes or flat soled sports shoes. All clothing worn on the Course must be appropriate for golf.

Elastic or drawstring shorts/trousers. Denim, tracksuits, board shorts or sports shorts. No low slung pants/shorts are to be worn. No Hawaiian style shirts, T-Shirts (non-golf), singlet tops or sleeveless shirts. Shirts with extensive advertising or offensive motifs.  Football wear (jumpers, shorts or socks).  No short black business socks with shorts (must be specific sport socks to be black).


The minimum required dress standard is clean, neat and tidy at all times.


Tailored shorts/slacks/skirts, 3/4 length slacks, skirts or skorts. Blouses/shirts must have collars or be specifically designed as golf attire. Sleeveless polo shirts are acceptable.
Shirts with small side splits or short basque may be worn outside shorts, slacks or skirts.
Visible white/black or fashion golf socks. Fully enclosed soft spiked golf shoes or flat soled sports shoes. All clothing worn on the Course must be appropriate for golf.

Tights style or 2 way stretch pants/shorts. Denim, tracksuits, board shorts or sports shorts.
No low slung pants/shorts are to be worn.  Sun tops, singlet tops or any top that has a bare midriff. Shirts with extensive advertising or offensive motifs. Football wear (jumpers, shorts or socks).

 In the Clubhouse


The minimum required dress standard is clean, neat and tidy at all times.

Dress as worn on course acceptable. Footwear must be worn at all times.
Jeans are acceptable to wear only in the clubhouse.

Board shorts, sports shorts, drawstring or elastic waist shorts or trousers. Steel spiked shoes. T-shirts or shirts with extensive advertising or offensive motifs.  Casual beachwear, hats, caps or hoods. Football wear (jumpers, shorts or socks).


The minimum required dress standard is clean, neat and tidy at all times.

Dress as worn on course acceptable. Footwear must be worn at all times.
Dresses, jeans and singlet tops are acceptable to wear only in the clubhouse.

As per the golf course. Steel spiked shoes. Shirts with extensive advertising or offensive motifs. Casual beachwear.  Hats caps or hoods.

Local Rules

Muirfield’s standing Local Rules according to the score card. Temporary Local Rules will be displayed on the notice board outside the Pro Shop.

For a copy of the Local Rules – as stated on the Muirfield GC scorecard, Click Here  These local rules are to be read in conjunction with the Temporary local rules, posted on the Local Rules Board, outside the Muirfield Golf Shop.


All players must comply with the prescribed standard of dress.


All players must CARRY and USE a bucket of sand to repair all divots.

  • Practice on Course:  Members may play on the golf course for practice purposes outside of competition times with no more than two balls.
  • Practice Putting Green: The putting green may be used by Members.  The Public may use the putting green before or after their paid round of golf or with the Professional during a lesson. No chipping of any kind is allowed to the putting green.
  • Practice Chipping Green: The chipping green may be used by Members. No more than six balls are allowed to be used and must be played within the defined area. The Public may use the chipping green before or after their paid game of golf or with the Professional during a lesson.
  • 19th Green (par 3 between the 13th & 5th holes): No more than twelve (12) balls are allowed to be used and must be either coloured or cross out balls; the blue post teeing area must be used. All divots and pitch marks must be repaired. No more than three Members may practice here at any one time.
  • 20th Green (dam green near the 12th): Bunker practice is allowed outside of competition times with a maximum of 6 balls. Practice is only permissible from within the bunker.
  • Practice range 12th fairway: The practice range area may only be used outside of competition times. Only coloured balls or cross out balls may be used; the blue post teeing area must be used and all divots must be repaired. No more than two Members may practice here at any one time. The Professional may give lessons on the practice tee area during competition times, provided the pupils are supervised at all times.
  • 17th tee Practice tee: Members only may practice from this tee and only between the hours of 6.30am and 8.00am on any day excluding days when a shotgun start is scheduled within those times. No more than one Member at a time may practice on this tee, with a limit of 12 golf balls. Coloured balls or cross out balls only are allowed. All practice must be from within the blue post area. All divots must be repaired.
  • Practice nets: Practice is allowed for Members. Before 1pm on the major competition days (Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday), members are to keep their practice at the nets, to a minimum, to allow competition players time to warm up before play. The public may only use the practice nets before or after their paid game of golf or with the Professional during a lesson.
  • No-one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
  • “Ready Golf” should be played at all times.
  • No player should play until the players in front are out of range.
  • Before leaving a bunker, a player must use the rake provided to carefully rake and smooth all depressions. Place all bunker rakes in the centre of the bunker facing the direction of play.
  • After the players have holed out, or while players are waiting to putt, any pitch mark or other damage made by the ball or the player to the putting greens surface should be carefully repaired.
  • Players should ensure that no damage is done to the putting green when placing the flagstick on the putting green surface. Players should ensure that neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by standing too close to the hole or in handling the flagstick. The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green.
  • When called up to a par 3 the called up group should NOT interfere with the players on the green i.e. by not approaching too closely when the players are putting out.
  • When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.
  • All buggies must have wide wheels.
  • It is the responsibility of all golfers to play their round of golf as quickly as possible to prevent inconvenience for the groups that follow. Each competitive round of golf will be subjected to time checks. The lowest marker will be responsible for ensuring that the pace of play is optimised and using their best endeavours to encourage the group to keep up. If required, it will be his or her responsibility to record the starting and finishing times for their group.
  • To speed up play the following points need to be observed:
  • Always keep up with the group in front
  • If you think a ball may be lost or difficult to find hit a provisional ball
  • If it appears that it may be difficult to find a lost ball call up immediately provided it is safe to do so
  • Do not stop at the half way mark if the group in front has already cleared the next tee. If the tee is not clear, be ready to move off as soon as they have done so
  • The shortest hitters should hit off first
  • As soon as shot is played move quickly to your next shot
  • When the group has holed out,  move quickly from the green without delay
  • Call up on Par 3s where it is safe to do so except when the next tee is vacant
  • The pace of play will be monitored.  The Match Committee will have the authority to take further action under Policy #43 – Pace of Play Policy.
  • A single player has no standing and should give way to a match of any kind.
  • Without exception, the maintenance of the course will take precedence over all events being held on the course.
  • Annual greens renovations are carried out in March and August.  Fairway renovations are carried out in September each year.
  • Greens staff have right of way at all times and players must refrain from hitting until it is safe to do so or until they are waved through by the staff concerned.

Members are requested to take notice of information posted on the Club notice board and website.  Members should be conversant with such information before commencing play.


Owing to large fields it is essential that all members book starting times on the sheet provided and report to the Pro Shop fifteen minutes before booked time. Failure to observe this rule leaves the Pro Shop no alternative but to move late arrivals to the end of the field. Time sheets are available at kiosks in the clubhouse or online.

A competition is scheduled every day.  Social play is available everyday, at varying times.  Social play within the competition times is not allowable during Wednesday and Saturday competitions.


Members of affiliated golf clubs with current Golf Australia handicaps may be invited to play in club competitions on any Invitation Day with a men’s handicap limit of 36 and ladies handicap limit of 45. When booking in, the visitor’s name and club must be stated. Members may invite up to three guests, depending on the day of play.

  • No one Visitor can play in a club competition more that six (6) times in a calendar year. This will apply to all Invitation events including Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday competitions. This will also apply to Ladies Invitation events.
  • In order to participate in a Club Competition, a visitor must be a Member of a recognised golf club affiliated with Golf Australia or another recognised controlling body e.g. an Overseas Association but excludes social handicap organisations. Visitors must carry proof of their current handicap.  Visitors must be able to show that they have played at least 3 of their last 20 rounds at their home club, to be eligible to win a prize.

The Men’s Handicaps are divided into the following grades.
The daily handicaps alter depending on the use of a White or a Blue Markers, but the grades remain as below.
* Championship Grades are in 4 grades and are listed on the Conditions of Play attached to the respective event timesheets.

  • Handicaps when playing in competitions with 3 Grades
    • A Grade     + to 12
    • B Grade     13 to 20
    • C Grade     21 to 36

Irrespective of which nine is played last, the count-back will be from the 18th backwards, lowest net score for the last nine, if still tied, the last six, then last three. If scores are still tied, then hole-by-hole backwards from the 18th. This system will apply to all competitions, unless otherwise stated.


Unless the course has been declared unplayable by the Match Committee, the dates shown for all play-offs must be strictly adhered to.

Match Committee reserves the right to alter these conditions and consider any request for postponement on its merits.


A Member whose name is recorded on a competition starting sheet is required to report promptly to the Pro Shop when called and be ready to tee off at the allotted tee time.

A Member who does not show up or fails to notify the Pro Shop at least one hour prior to his/her designated starting time of his/her inability to play is deemed to be a “no show”.   Players who are identified as a “no show” will be dealt with as per the No Show Policy.


Mobile Phones must be switched to silent mode at all times on the golf course during play of any kind.


Subject to the provisions of By Law 5 which outlines members rights, privileges and obligations, Members are allowed to play on the golf course outside of competition times.

When playing golf outside of competition times, members do not have priority of any kind over any other person rightfully playing on the course.

Members are not allowed to play on the course when it is closed for whatever reason.

It is a requirement that all players, members or social, report to the Pro Shop before teeing off.


Players are permitted to use both pull along and battery operated buggies on the course. However any buggy used must have wide non grooved rubber or plastic wheels. No other type of wheel is permitted.

Players are allowed to cross the greens with their buggies but buggies must not sit on the putting surface at any time.


No person shall be allowed to have access to the golf course whether to play in a competition, socially or for practice, if in the opinion of the Professional, his or her staff, and/or other Club staff, the person concerned is under the influence of alcohol.

Furthermore the consumption of alcohol on the golf course by any one player will be limited to two x 375 mls of full strength beer or the equivalent of other alcoholic drinks, per 9 holes of golf.


In keeping with the provisions of By Law 2.3 animals are not allowed on the course at any time.

In keeping with the provisions of By Law 2.4 children under the age of eight years old are not allowed on the course without the approval of the General Manager or a member of the Match Committee.

  • It is the player’s responsibility for their own safety on the golf course.  The course siren may be sounded to warn players of the imminent danger of lightning strikes and the suspension of play due to adverse weather.
  • The use of the siren will be as follows:
  • To suspend play – three signals with a three second gap between each signal.
  • To restart play – two short signals of three seconds each with a three second gap between each signal..
  • To abandon play – one long signal.
  • On the suspension of play, players must immediately mark their ball and seek appropriate shelter at the nearest available location, preferably returning to the Clubhouse. Failure to stop play immediately on hearing the suspension of play siren or the abandon play siren will lead to disqualification.
  • On the resumption of play, the player will recommence from that point where the ball is marked.
  • Players will be advised separately if the competition is to be abandoned due to persistent bad weather or lack of daylight.

The handicap will be the full difference between the respective handicaps and the lowest marker to then play from scratch.

Lowest marker to play from scratch, other players apply the difference between the lowest marker’s handicap and their handicap.

The handicap will be half of the combined handicaps.


Handicaps are maintained by Golflink and may be viewed on a computer with internet access. Handicap alterations are updated on the day of the competition and are normally available soon after the close of the day’s competition.

NSA & NSNA:  Competition rounds that are not completed, will be allocated either an NSA (No Score Approved), or an NSNA (No Score Not Approved).  Click here for the criteria surrounding these two items.


Players playing Stableford or Par events must play off their stroke handicap.

Ladies playing in all Mixed 4 Ball events to play off their GA handicap or Domestic handicap where applicable.

Ladies playing in Individual Medley events are to play off the Full Handicap.


In order to obtain a handicap, a player is required to submit three cards (minimum of two cards from Muirfield) each of which is played over eighteen holes and each must be signed by the player and a marker. Each card MUST be dated and indicate whether it is the 1st, 2nd or 3rd handicap card. Failure to annotate the handicap card correctly may result in the card being excluded from being used as one of the cards used to gain a handicap.

The score for each hole should be marked clearly on the card. If, when playing any hole, your score exceeds three over the par of the hole, it is not necessary to complete the hole simply write the score down as three over the par. E.g. if you are playing the first hole (par 5) and you have played eight strokes and still not ‘holed out’, it is not necessary to finish the hole out, just write down a score of eight.

The following players are eligible to mark your card for handicap:

Muirfield Life Members, Foundation Life Members, Foundation Members, Full Playing or Weekday Members and Intermediates. Note: Cadet, Tyro and Junior Members are not eligible to mark a card for handicap.